Frankie Magazine

Daniella Germain

Today I brought the new issue of Frankie Magazine, which is amazing!
Its always good, but theres something about this issue that will keep me blogging
for days. One of the articles I came across was called ‘And now Im broke’
about an Australian illustrator who cut her spending by drawing everything she buys.
My instant thought was how cool is that! I mean why write down what you buy when
you can illustrate it. Anyway way she had spent $300 (ausy dollars) on a pair of
Camper boots, it says she became struck down with a bad case of buyers remorse
(If we are all honest we’ve felt that way at least one, I know Ive had a bad case
of why did I just buy that). So after that spend out Daniella decided to start
keeping tracking of what she was spending by illustrating her purchases.
Its a really good article! but I also think her illustrations are really cute.