Hillsong United
I really love Hillsong United, and I really love the designers, photographers, and videographers who produce their album artwork etc.
Lately I have been captured by their photo blog; an image can really have 1000 meanings. I have no idea who is creating the following images…..
but dont worry I will find out! When you look at the blog (which I hope you do take the time) yes you will see alot of circles, triangles, and
squares, of course some may say they are way over used in design……..but each to his own! I think they look great (even the middle one with slightly
interesting type which I wouldnt use myself….but when really looking at the image the type seems to fade away to become part of the image, you end up getting caught up in the colours and interesting photo layout).

There is one Ausy designer I know that Hillsong United uses, and that is Glenn Stewart (Kozu). I love the designs he did for The I Heart Revolution!
The images are powerful in themselves, but what he does to them adds something even more amazing! Im a big fan of a slight colour over a photo or film (video), it brings an extra punch to the eye when flicking through a book or watching a clip, and also keeps people interested. Everything is so well linked; the book, dvd menus etc……sign of a good designer.
The most important part of any design/video work is the message, I find as a designer myself it can be hard to look at an image or film and not start pulling it apart, but I am working on enjoying them as a whole, its an amazing thing when we do.
Both Hillsong and Glenn are Ausys! Great style guys! great style!